• Criminal Record Search
  • Instant Services
  • Driver's License Records
  • Employment Verifications
  • MedCheck

Criminal Records Searches

County Criminal Searches

Searches for felony misdemeanor records within a seven-year period.  Dispositions may include jail time, fines and probation information. Each search may incur a county court fee.

County Civil Searches

Searches for information regarding divorce, liability suits, and violations of civil rights, judgments, nonpayment of goods, and other similar cases.

Statewide Commercial Database Criminal Searches

Searches government agencies such as Department of Public Safety and the Office of Court Administration for information, convictions and sentencing details.

Statewide Official Criminal Searches

Searches Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC).

Federal Criminal or Civil Searches

Searches U.S. Federal District Courts for criminal or civil records.

International Criminal Searches

Available for countries throughout Europe, Africa, South America, and Asia. While each country has different methods of gathering the specific applicant information it needs, typically information is obtained through the courts, police records or prosecutor's office. International Criminal Searches conducted in Europe by Partnership Screening comply with European data privacy laws. (Contact Partnership Screening for the specific fees for each country.)

Instant Services

Instant SSN Address History and Verification

Provides information on individuals' past addresses and movement patterns. A powerful investigative tool, Social Security Number Verification allows for better management and a more complete background check by verifying and returning information on applicants, such as state of Social Security Number issuance, full name, age/DOB, and addresses with phone numbers and dates at these addresses.


E-VerifyAllows participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of newly hired employees. This program, formerly known as the Basic Pilot/Employment Eligibility Verification Program, is operated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in partnership with the Social Security Administration (SSA). For more information visit USCIS.

Instant Criminal Index

Compiles searches from court files for independent commercial databases. Each state includes different information and is updated at different times. (Please see descriptions on the Website.)

Instant Multi-State Sex Offender Database

This search contains currently registered sex and violent offenders with felony conviction records. Data has been compiled from all 50 states, The District of Columbia, and Guam. Each record includes a URL to the jurisdiction’s Website as well as a picture of the offender, when available.

Global Report

Compiles the following individual databases into one comprehensive search: OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) & Blocked Persons OFAC, Sanctioned Countries, including Major Cities & Ports, Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories, Department of State Trade Control (DTC), Debarred Parties, U.S. Bureau of Industry & Security (formerly BXA) Unverified Entities List Denied Entities List Denied Persons, List FBI Most Wanted Terrorists & Seeking Information FBI Top Ten Most Wanted, INTERPOL Most Wanted List Bank of England Sanctions List OSFI - Canadian Sanctions, List United Nations Consolidated Sanctions, List Politically Exposed Persons List, European Union Terrorism List, World Bank Ineligible Firms, FEN CEN 311, PALASTININE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL LIST.

National Tenant Check

Helps you select the best residents for multifamily housing communities by giving you exclusive access to the industry's largest database of landlord/tenant records. Provides critical information not available from credit reports alone. National Tenant Check compares an applicant to information in our databases and delivers an easy-to-read report of past court actions, prior landlord inquiries and landlord-reported history.

Driver's License Records

Driving Records

Provides driver's license information from all 48 continental states in an easy-to-use format. Each search may incur a state repository fee.

DOT Employment Variations

Provides verification of applicant’s previous or current DOT-related employment, including start date, end date, title, salary, eligibility for rehire, and reason for leaving, plus six standard DOT follow-up employment questions.

DOT Drug and Alcohol Questionnaire

Provides the answers to the standard DOT D&A questionnaire.

Commercial Driver’s License Information System (CDLIS)

Allows employers to comply with FMCSA requirements (§ 391.21-391.27) by searching within the Commercial Driver's License Information System for both current CDL license and up to three prior licenses held by the applicant. The report provides employers with present jurisdictional state and driver’s license number, name, DOB, Social Security number match, up to three previously held CDL numbers, and AKA information. Mandated by the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act (CMVSA) of 1986, CDLIS supports the issuance of commercial driver licenses (CDLs) by the jurisdictions and assists jurisdictions in meeting the goals of the basic tenet: "that each driver, nationwide, has only one driver’s license and one record" through the cooperative exchange of commercial driver information between jurisdictions.

Employment Verifications

On average, we turn around all orders in 58 hours. 80 percent of all employment verifications along with 90 percent of all education verifications are completed with data.

Employment Verification

Attempts verification of the applicant’s previous or current employment from a single source (typically HR), including start date, end date, title, salary, reason for leaving, and eligibility for rehire. We also provide the verifier’s name, title and number.

Basic Reference

Includes the Verification described above, plus up to five questions that customarily can be answered by HR, such as attendance record, job description, etc.

Supervisor Interview

Includes the Verification described above, plus a reference from a single specified contact, including 10 questions. (NOTE: Only about 25 percent of supervisor references that are attempted are actually obtained. There is no discount for failed attempts.)

Personal Reference

Attempts a reference from a single specified contact, such as a friend or associate, including 10 questions.

Professional Reference

Attempts a reference from a single specified contact, such as a co-worker or direct supervisor, including 10 questions.


Attempts verification of the applicant’s school, dates of attendance and degree or major.


Attempts verification of the applicant’s license, certification or credentials, date of issue, expiration date, and status with the issuing authority.

Salary Verification

Attempts verification of current salary using supplied contact information.  (NOTE: 90 percent of verifications are completed within 24 hours. Please request specific workflow information.)


MedCheck Professional

Searches for disciplinary actions taken against individual healthcare providers by federal agencies as well as licensing and certification agencies in all 50 states. The most comprehensive method available for discovering high-risk individuals and contractors directly involved in patient care. MedCheck Professional also includes the Global Report, a Patriot Act Name search.

MedCheck Organizations

Provides the same sanction information as MedCheck Professonal, except the information provided is for healthcare organizations.

MedCheck Professional & Organizations

Provides the same sanction information as MedCheck Professional and MedCheck Organizations combined.